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running shoes,Hey, Song will be pulled out from the water. Zhang Jingyao immediately check the injury for the Song: how the case children Jun brother, you seem to touch the electricity? Song to the lips purple. He slowed for a few seconds to speak, to his strength to be power to such a degree, can imagine how strong current, should be some of the electricity of the fish, but fortunately they do not your current high, Otherwise, this time I have to change dead. Zhang Jingyao worry authentic: That Chu Xiang will not be dangerous, right? Song Jun said: the scope of the impact of electric fish is limited, Chu Xiang and I separated by far, he should not be power to, but I vaguely see him as if by a touch of the wrist to the sea.

cheap adidas,Wang Shaohui a hold Song Jun said: Army brother, you need to rest, your body shaking it, let us go. Li Xiaoming shouted: Look, Chu team out! God, is a squid,, the original they are still underwater activities, but not ashore it. Sure enough, the Chu Xiang pulled the sea is a giant squid, Chu Xiang in the water by their gang fights. Because the reasons for the strength of the water buoyancy Chu Xiang can not play into the five, so only to surface them to deal with them, Chu Xiang jump from the sea after the three bone weapons with the shot, adsorbed on him the two giant squid was torn to pieces.

nike sale,Chu Xiang bone wing vibration immediately launched to the submarine to go! Chu Xiang and submarine at the same time sinking into the water, he was about to submarine through. Surrounded by large squid is swarming on, Chu Xiang's hands and feet are not open, and soon squid were dragged to the sea sink to go, while the submarine is the more Qianwei Shenxiang fast forward. Chu Xiang was seized by squid who can not get away, his bone knife cut about finally with a squid leaping from the surface, ah...... Chu Xiang soon as roar, he will tear the body squid immediately sneaked into the water, He had to recover Sawada, had just not be anxious to catch water into the first person, but should be the first to fly over the submarine destroyed, you can see Sawada into the water he took for granted, but did not expect that the variation of marine life is not Hurt Sawada et al, and Chu Xiang and Song were delayed by their time, and now Sawada has sneaked into the sea, he fled, which makes how willing Chu Xiang!

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